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I.c.a Austria

The Association ICA Austria pursues exclusively charitable aims and both party unbound and non-denominational. ICA Austria has a volunteer Board consisting of eight members.The Association is not engaged in applied medicine and does not claim to have medical knowledge. In each case, the association recommends to consult in case of illness / s physician / doctor who / which decides on treatment and medication.

I.c.a Germany

The association "ICA Germany eV" - Profit organization and patrons Interstitial Cystitis - was founded on 19.08.1993. In Europe, it is the first comparable association and the world's second after the United States. Our members are physicians, scientists, IC patients, friends and supporters, whose donations are used to:

IC patients to provide them with new information as possible to help them and to give strength and courage to make,

To attract attention, to make this serious disease known to the public,

To give assistance in case of difficulties with insurance companies, government agencies, employers, or in the family,

to install an information for physicians, scientists and patients,

to promote research on effective treatment and healing methods.


The Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA) advocates for research dedicated to discovery of a cure and better treatments, raises awareness, and serves as a central hub for the healthcare providers, researchers and millions of patients who suffer with constant urinary urgency and frequency and extreme bladder pain called IC, or interstitial cystitis. 

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Cystite Interstitielle

Sede legale e Via Fogazzaro 4/B - 41037 Mirandola MO - ItalyTel +39 0535 611082 Fax +39 0535 610420 Cod Fisc e P.IVA 01990130369
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